Monday, July 14, 2008

Some pictures from Michigan

Downtown Detroit after dinner. It was cold, and for some reason I ran through a fountain, which made me colder.

In front of the Tiger at Comerica Park with Linsey, Tim (Linsey's cousin) and his girlfriend, Patty.

Hank Tait's childhood home in Allen Park, Mich.

The place the Wuepper's rented on Glenn Lake. The lake is beautiful, the water warm and clear. The home was decorated in late 1960s, early 1970s furniture, including a circular chair, a canoe shaped couch and a toaster built-in to the wall.

Waiting to debark on the pontoon.


Hank and Mary said...

Thanks Stephen or Linsey for posting these pictures. They are wonderful!!! I love you guys.


AL said...

Wow that looks like a great time. The water is soooo clear. Where is Glen Lake??

SRT and LST said...

Glen Lake is near where Linsey and I were married. Near Traverse City...