We made it through the move and the holidays! Been feeling really grateful lately. Here are lots of pictures from all that has been going on. Excuse the poor quality, not in the mood to edit and color correct tonight. We've all been sick with colds and I'm glad I even found the motivation to do this instead of sitting on our new couch, curled up under a blanket reading Harry Potter.
Here we go...
At Leland's 15 mo. check up she needed four separate shots. It was the first time I got a little teary watching her have to get those needles poked in her little legs. Too bad she can't appreciate the neon colored bandages.
Leland really enjoyed eating all the various Thanksgiving foods. This is at my parent's house.
This is at my aunt and uncles in Saginaw the day after Thanksgiving.
Various cousins, their children and pets the day after Thanksgiving. Very warm weather for that time of year.
Leland did NOT enjoy her first meeting with Santa as you can see.
This is our livingn room/dining room in our new house before we had the floors redone.
Down the hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom.
Moving day! Those first few days are always so overwhelming. Luckily we had lots of help.
Leland rocking for the first time in her new room.
Christmas morning in our new house. It was nice.
I just put up a tiny little tree. Can't have Christmas morning without a tree.
Leland on our front porch all dolled up.
Posing for a Christmas pic and my parents house later that day.
She got this wagon from my parents, and it's been so warm I've already been able to take her on a few short walks with it.
Stephen got this really cool travel mug which he totally loves.
Shelby and I.
My grandma turned 90 on the 30th! Here she is blowing out her candles at her party.
Christmas in Farwell! Leland with her cousins.
Opening presents.
Leland enjoyed mimi's lasagna so much she had three helping and licked her plate clean.
The girls coloring this really fun club house Cassie got for Christmas.
Now the decorating of our house can begin!!! I've been waiting to decorate a house for a looong time! I'll be blogging about that for sure.