Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday Night

Jason and Henry stopped by for a visit.

A scare crow in downtown Newburyport.

The sign outside my eye doctor's office.

An old advertisement painted on a wall in Thread Needle Alley.

One of the most appreciated dining spots in all of the downtown district; my first couple weeks here I survived on these things waiting for my first pay check.


Dan Tait said...

I always felt bad when you had to live off of hotdogs

AL said...

Hey it is better than top ramen. I know many a college student who ate top ramen for four years.

Hank and Mary said...

Or five years

TAITx3 said...

I think Stephen went to college for seven years or something like that. In some nations they'd call him doctor. (i'm just giving him a hard time so I can use that modified Chris Farley joke). Jason