Thursday, July 22, 2010

The End is Near

Tomorrow I'll be 36 weeks pregnant! 29 days till my due date! About 4 weeks to go! However you look at it the arrival of The Girl is near. Holy cow. It doesn't really seem like it's going to happen. I still don't even really feel like I'm actually going to have a kid soon, even though she is constantly moving around in my belly. Even with a crib set up, baby clothes washed and organized and a hospital bag packed, it doesn't really seem real.

I went to the doctor today and I'm 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced. While the baby hasn't dropped yet, she's in a head down position. She's probably not going to be a very big baby (unless I pack on 20 pounds or so in the next few weeks, which my doctor said she has seen happen!) so Christina's guess of an 11 lb. baby is probably not going to happen :-)

I'm actually feeling pretty darn good. The weather has cooled off a bit which means I've been cooking and I can blow dry my hair. I've got some energy, I can still sleep pretty comfortably... not a whole lot to complain about. So that is the latest. Can't wait to meet this little girl.


TAITx3 said...

Awe. Very cute. Yes, the end is near. You guys must be getting very excited.
I can't wait to get this baby out of my belly. I am 2 cm dilated and 65% effaced. My doctor has been on vacation so I really don't want her to come this week. Monday is fine though.... :)
Can't wait to see your beautiful baby girl! ~Kara

p.s. glad you had a nice shower. Take pics of her room!

Susu said...

You look great, I can't wait to hear her name! I bet the world in general is excited about the birth of this girl, it seems after touching your pregnant belly at Ryan's wedding, I got pregnant and now millions of women are in fear of you passing it on to them too. This is the only logical conclusion I can make about the situation.

Hank and Mary said...

So nice! Love your baby bump. Syria pregnant?

linsey said...

Suria, it's so weird you got pregnant from rubbing my belly! I thought for sure it had something to do with Burt and Chris having car problems, and as a result you and Bryce got to spend a kid free weekend at Ryan and Ginger's wedding! I guess I missed the discussion on where babies really do come from :-)

Carol and Dan said...

Cute, miss petite! Wishing you lots us good vibes. Glad to hear you are feeling so good!......c.

The Jaymac Clan said...

I rubbed your belly hoping to get pregnant and I didn't. I think Suria has got it wrong. I am so excited for you guys.

translategerman said...

Really its fabolus point that the end is near and not be worried about it.