Friday, December 7, 2007

Invitation Night

Henry and Linsey .... 
Jason and Stephen
Linsey and Stephen in a store downtown.
A Guinness mustache 

Linsey... waiting for a table.

There are two invitation nights in Newburyport -- the first one was tonight (Dec. 7). It is an event that attracts thousands of people to downtown Newburyport where shop owners keep their stores open late and offer drinks and snacks to shoppers. It is a very festive time. The stores are crowded, the sidewalks are packed.

Linsey and I were able to get a lot of shopping done and we also got a nice dinner and some drinks. 


Anonymous said...

you look real cute in your hat Linsey

Hank and Mary said...

Newburyport has some wonderful traditions. I'm so happy you guys all have a chance to experience your life in this town. I really like it that you 5 are taking part in it too. Great mood picture of you Linsey.